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Corona Virus Related Topics

Corona Virus: What has been observed regarding the Corona Virus can be read here. Photographs of empty New York City, can be viewed here.

Johns Hopkins University declared on September 28, 2021, that 1 million people have died of the said Covid-19 virus worldwide. This means that of the estimated 7.5 billion people on the planet, the chance of dying from the virus is about 1 in 7500, or .00013 percent.

A $40 per hour minimum wage? ...Frank X. Didik, September 22, 2021
 In 1962, the average 35 year old working man was able to support a wife, 3 or 4 children, own a house in the suburbs, have 2 cars and had enough money to go on a vacation once or twice a year. Today, it takes two highly educated people working to buy a small one or two bedroom coop or condo, car ownership is rare and they can only afford to have one or two children at best. To achieve what a man in 1962 made per week and to regain the standard of living of that time, the minimum wage must be increased to $40 per hour. The gradual decline over the past 60 years should be changed. Perhaps "shock treatment" that was recommended to the former communist countries in Eastern Europe by "experts" from leading American Universities, should be the guide for this sudden increase in the average (minimum) wage. Several things would happen. First, people would initially spend much more money and this would almost instantly create huge demand. At the same time, it is very possible that prices would go up, though perhaps not as fast as one might expect, since production efficiency is much greater today than in 1962. Finally, it might be necessary to implement trade barriers. This of course would run counter to the direction of globalism. Perhaps it is time to modify the notion of globalism and take into account the different global cultures, work ethics and achievements.

Minimum wage and the Covid Pandemic Frank X. Didik, June 15, 2021. The minimum wage was never supposed to be the average wage. The original function of the minimum wage was supposed to be a temporary wage till the worker could find a better position. Unfortunately, over the past 50 years, the minimum wage has gradually become the normal wage for low income workers. A person can not live on a minimum wage, even if the wage is $15 per hour as it is in some locals, such as New York City. As a result of the Covid Pandemic and the Federal Governments enhanced unemployment benefits, many low wage workers now refuse to work for minimum wage. The result has been that businesses have started to offer higher starting wages, which in many cases amounts to 25% or more above the minimum wage. This is a good start, but for the dignity of the worker and the workers ability to rent an apartment, and perhaps get married and have a family, the basic wage must increase even more.

What will happen after September 1, 2021, when added unemployment benefits end, when landlords can demand back rent or evict, when banks can demand back mortgage payments or start eviction proceedings and when governments can demand and act on unpaid back taxes? One can only speculate on what might happen, but I believe that surplus spending will end, that there will be a business and economic slowdown and that real estate sales prices may decrease, considering that unpaid mortgages will again start to be foreclosed upon. On the other hand, businesses will be able to hire more workers, since much of the unemployment benefits will end. Still, we are entering into very unknown economic and social territory.Frank X. Didik, June 15, 2021.

Remote working, office space, the diminished need for employees Frank X. Didik, January 1, 2021 It is fascinating to note that as a result of the government imposed Covid-19 restrictions, that for a period of time, an estimated 30% of the population was out of work, and yet the country did not experience any long term shortages, in any area. One might say that this is a wake-up call for companies to show them that they have too many redundant employees. read more

Does constant mask wearing reduce cognitive ability? Studies have shown that people inhale between 7% and 12% of their exhaled breath, with an accumulation of carbon dioxide. Does this cause minor cognitive loss for the wearer over time? Further, over time, the masks quickly become both moist as well as becomes a breading ground for bacteria. Also, does the additional stress on the lungs to breath through a filter effects the lungs? More studies must be performed to determine if mask wearing causes biological issues as well as psychological issues over time.

Lockdowns benefit large companies at the expense of small stores and businesses Frank X. Didik December 16, 2020
 It has become obvious that the lockdowns, imposed by most of the states to control the spread of Covid-19, has clearly benefited large companies, particularly on-line mega-companies, at the expense of small, local businesses, that were forced to either close their doors or greatly curtail their operations. It was estimated that these small companies and stores represented about 60% of the economy. As a result of the government imposed lockdowns, much of this bushiness activity and wealth has been transferred, perhaps permanently, to the on-line stores. This is rapidly creating a vastly different business environment and potentially will reduce the ability of an individual to start their own business in the future.

Massive surpluses in society Industry has produced massive surpluses Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, 230 years ago, society has gradually managed to ever increase productivity and surpluses. Today, these surpluses are so great that I estimate that only 20% of the population can support themselves and the rest of the population. This assumption was proven essentially correct with the Covid/Corona lockdowns when it was estimated that over 50% of the population was not working and yet society did not experience any shortages in any area. Further, with the robotic and artificial intelligence revolution just around the corner, even greater surpluses will be achieved and even less workers/employees will be needed. This leads to the question of how to deal with the vast number of people who's work will no longer be needed? If the present monetary system continues, perhaps a basic, livable income will necessary, though in general, I am not in favor of the idea, since I have always felt that everyone should be required to carry their own weight in society and further, give back to society. There are some who feel that the population should be reduced by discouraging the formation of families, encouraging single life, birth control, abortion, same sex unions encouraging latter age marriage and other methods. Most non-retail businesses can easily survive with less than 50% of their work force.

Factors causing and controlling inflation Frank X. Didik, June 15, 2021. The unprecedented increase in the money supply since March 2020 through money being pumped into businesses, banks, and individuals, through increased unemployment compensation, has all had an effect on the potential for inflation. It is estimated that the national debt has increased from 21 trillion dollars in January 2020 to an estimated 34 trillion dollars as of May, 2021, an increase of about 30 percent. Though there is noticeable inflation, it is not as high as one might expect. What has happened? Many people are not spending the additional money on goods and services, but rather parking the money in such areas as crypto-currencies, paying down their existing credit card and other debt and by investing their additional money in the stock market, which in fact has inflated since January 2020.

Massive inflation coming?-Part 2 Frank X. Didik, June 15, 2021. Inflation is here. The US. Department of Commerce estimates that as of June 1, 2021, inflation is hovering just below 8%. However certain items clearly have increased well beyond this amount with construction materials having increased anywhere from 200 to 400 percent. It is estimated that beef prices and fish prices has increased by about 30 percent, while gasoline has increased by approximately 40 percent since the Covid pandemic low in August, 2020.

Massive inflation coming? Frank X. Didik, January 2, 2021. At the start of 2020, it is estimated that the United States national debt was 21 Trillion dollars. As of January 2, 2021, as a result of the vast "printing" of additional money for Covid Relief and other expenses, this debt is estimated at just under 30 trillion dollars. Surely, one would think that a 30% increase in money supply would lead to significant inflation, but this has not happened. I believe that this is primarily because of vast production surpluses, on every level including manufacturing, services and farming. Robotics, efficient computerized allocation of resources and transportation has produced enough for everyone, without pressure on the market.

Similarities between the current lock-downs and Prohibition Frank X. Didik, January 2, 2021. Many people feel that the shock of the lockdowns is unique in American history. This is not the case. There have been many shocking, similar instances of business closures or being greatly curtailed in American history. Some examples include in 1919, with the introduction of Prohibition, when all of the bars and liquor stores were suddenly closed and it was impossible to legally purchase alcohol. Clearly it was shocking when the leisurely pint after work and the closures of bars, must have been shocking. Prohibition ended in 1933. During World War 2, there were also many restrictions including rationing of previously common items such as meat, sugar, gasoline and other items. Similar restrictions and shortages also occurred During the Civil war of 1861-1865 and the Revolutionary War of 1775-1783.

Some people feel that the Covid issue has become more political than medical and true science and statistical knowledge has been abandoned, for the sake of pushing one narrative. It is now time to return to normalicy.

"Temporary" seems to have become the new permanent under the virus hysteria lockdown.

Exaggerated Covid deaths? What started as a whisper, is now becoming a roar. The fact is that we are not stepping over bodies, as during the bubonic plague (black death) of 1347 to 1353. It is clear to everyone that Covid, has the same mortality rate as the common flu. Further, people around the country are wise to the difference between "died because of Covid" vs "died with Covid". The fact that the total number of deaths world wide has not increased since the Covid scare shows that the numbers are wrong. It is time to return to normalcy. To accommodate those who fear what they may have done over the past 18 months, perhaps a "truth and reconciliation committee" and amnesty, similar to what South Africa did, should be considered.

The Covid issue has become more political than medical and true science and statistical knowledge has been abandoned, for the sake of pushing one narrative. It is now time to return to normalicy.

Exaggerated Covid deaths? What started as a whisper, is now becoming a roar. The fact is that we are not stepping over bodies, as during the bubonic plague (black death) of 1347 to 1353. It is clear to everyone that Covid, has the same mortality rate as the common flu. Further, people around the country are wise to the difference between "died because of Covid" vs "died with Covid". The fact that the total number of deaths world wide has not increased since the Covid scare shows that the numbers are wrong. It is time to return to normalcy. To accommodate those who fear what they may have done over the past 18 months, perhaps a "truth and reconciliation committee" and amnesty, similar to what South Africa did, should be considered.

If the vaccinations work, why must people still wear masks and why the need for a "Vaccination Passport"? Obviously, if someone decides not to take the vaccine, they are the one's who might be at risk. Why would people not want to take this potentially life saving vaccination? There are a number of reasons including that some of the vaccinations used aborted baby's/fetuses, some people question how a vaccination can be developed in two months, while the average time it takes to develop a vaccine is 13 years. The long term effects of the vaccines are completely unknown. Finally, some people feel that there is not any need to take it considering that the recovery rate is just under 100%. Finally, some people feel that the risks of permanent injury or death from the vaccine, outweighs the risks from the potential of getting the vaccine. The concept of "my body, my choice also seems to be a factor to decline taking the vaccine. Presently about 50% of the United States has taken or plans to take the vaccine.

Pent up Demand caused by Covid-19 lockdown? Unlikely. People are used to staying home, have developed new habits, and after being out of work, will probably want to save money.

Forced vaccinations? But Why? read more

Do more people die because of the Corona Virus or because of the lockdown? read more

Hysterical Fears pushed in the media and other sources: What ever happened to Y2K, the Ozone hole, nuclear winter, missile gap, read more

Is Covid-19 as widespread as suggested? read more

Corona Virus "Experts"? Who is to say who is an expert when the entire virus is a new event and nobody has any real understanding what is going on. This is like the transition period of Eastern Europe from 1989 to 1992, when so many "leading experts" came from nowhere and gave the public their speculation with truly disastrous results, causing massive inflation and economic failure in countries who followed their "advice".

Corona Virus: What I have observed regarding the Corona Virus can be read here. Further, my photographs of empty New York City, can be viewed here.

Pentup Demand caused by Covid-19 lockdown? Unlikely. People are used to staying home, have developed new habits, and after being out of work, will probably want to save money.

Hysterical Fears pushed in the media and other sources: What ever happened to Y2K, the Ozone hole, nuclear winter, missile gap, read more

Restaurants and Bars will spring back? Very unlikely. People go to these places not only to eat and drink but primarily to socialize. If people are social distanced, why go out?

Corona Virus "Experts"? Who is to say who is an expert when the entire virus is a new event and nobody has any real understanding what is going on. This is like the transition period of Eastern Europe from 1989 to 1992, when so many "leading experts" came from nowhere and gave the public their speculation with truly disastrous results, causing massive inflation and economic failure in countries who followed their "advice".

Question If you can live for a thousand years, but have to live in a 12x12 foot (3x3 meter) room without ever leaving, would you do it? I prefer to live life to its fullest and accept the risks. Everything in life entails a certain risk.

Forced vaccinations? But Why? read more

Do more people die because of the Corona Virus or because of the lockdown? read more

Is Covid-19 as widespread as suggested? read more


In the News

FREEDOM DAY! The Draconian and arguably unnecessary Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted!! June 15, 2021 Albany New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has lifted all of the Covid restrictions that has burdened New York State since March 2020. The stated reason for the lifting was that the Governor said that 70% of New Yorkers have been vaccinated using one of the experimental Covid-19 vaccinations. The arbitrary number was the percentage that "experts" claimed was the percentage that would create "heard immunity", though many feel that the science behind this is unsubstantiated and unproven. In March, 2020, the original unprecedented "lock down" was supposed to have been for only 14 days to "flatten the curve", that is to prevent the hospitals from being over run by Covid 19 victims. The hospitals were not only not overrun but were essentially empty, yet the Governor continued the lockdown that has cost the tax payers billions of dollars in lost wages, business and prevented the many people from having basic medical treatment such as dentistry, cancer screening and many other issues.
  The United States Senate is holding hearings to investigate the Covid-19 hysteria, the origins of the virus, the relationship of the media to medical companies and to various governmental health organizations.

June 15, 2021 New York, NY First Lady Jill Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci visited a Harlem vaccination site however some spectators started to chant "Fire Fauci, Fire Fauci". Dr. Fauci has come under scrutiny over the past two weeks, since his private emails were released that seem to indicate one thing in private, and a completely different thing in public.

June 12, 2021 A federal judge has put on hold, New York States plan of demanding that broadband companies charge only $15 per month to low income New Yorkers.

June 11, 2021 Congress has opened up a series of hearings to investigate the issues surrounding the Corona Virus / Covid 19 virus. The investigations will consider if the year and a half lockdowns were necessary, if the virus originated as a result of a lab leak in China, if the somehow the media was complicit is causing the Covid hysteria and if so, who was responsible for the unprecedented shutdown. The Congressional investigations will also be investigating media companies who censored political voices as well as information that the media companies did not like.

June 11, 2021. One state in Pakistan is now pushing the experimental Covid vaccine by threatening Pakistani's that the government will turn off their cell phones if they do not agree to the vaccine. The reasoning behind this is that the unvaccinated endangers the vaccinated people. One might ask if this is true, doesn't it mean that the vaccination does not work?

June 11, 2021 A Florida Urologist claims that some males who have been vaccinated have experienced infertility and an increase in prostate cancer.

June 6, 2021 There have been a number of reports that the experimental Covid 19 vaccinations have caused blood clotting in some of the vaccinated people that cause sever pain in the legs, arms and massive head aches.

June 6, 2021 VigiBase, a database for the World Health Organization has claimed that 19,916 vaccinated people have experienced eye disorders including over 700 people who have gone blind.

June 4, 2021 Reports are being mentioned that urges just vaccinated not to travel immediately out of fear for blood clots developing.

June 3, 2021 Some have claimed that miscarriages has increased by 366% in just six weeks, as a result of the Covid vaccines.

As of June 4, 2021, the US Government sponsored vaccine adverse reaction website has reported that there have been 5,888 deaths from the vaccine and over 329,021 adverse reactions to the experimental Covid 19 vaccinations. The long term effect is not known for the vaccine.

May 26, 2021 The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) no longer recommends masks for the fully vaccinated, to be worn in public or in stores and other facilities. There is some question if stores and other venues are legally allowed to ask a person if they have been vaccinated, based on the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), the HIPAA regulations, EEOC laws, Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other regulations. There are other questions as to whether "vaccination passports" would be violating the above noted and other regulations.

May 24, 2021 New Delhi, India The Ministry of Electronics and Information of India is protesting the notion of a new "Indian Strain of Covid" and claims that western press has exaggerated the situation.

May 24, 2021 Washington DC Studies indicate that people who had Covid 19 in the past have a significantly increased incident and severity of side effects after the Covid 19 vaccine.

May 23, 2021 Bill Gates and his entourage were spotted in the Tribeca Area of Manhattan, entering into a restaurant, not wearing a mask. This is unusual considering that Mr. Gates has been one of the main proponents of mask wearing in public.

May 23, 2021 The UK Government has admitted that it has tracked thousands of people who submitted to the Covid vaccination, without their consent, by using their cell phone data. Privacy experts are in an uproar over this revelation.

May 23, 2021 According to the CDC, 38.9 percent of all Americans have been fully vaccinated.

May 23, 2021 Many US States have introduced programs to encourage people to submit to the vaccination by offering free beers, and also enrolling the people into special lotteries, with sum potential prizes being as high as 5 million dollars. Apparently all of those who wish to take the experimental vaccine have done so and now, the other do not wish to take it, with the concept of "my body, my choice". This push to submit to the experimental vaccine is reminiscent of the time when India was offering simple villages a portable radio to be sterilized. Some also compare the push for the vaccination to the Jonestown massacre when "Rev" Jim Jones forced his people to drink poisoned coolaid.

May 21, 2021. New data seems to indicate that the number of women who lose their unborn child after having the Covid vaccine increases by 2000%.

May 21, 2021 President Biden has announced that many on-line dating sites have agreed to encourage people to submit to the experimental Covid Vaccine.

May 19, 2021 Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that those who are fully vaccinated no longer needs to wear a mask indoors and outdoors. Since the Federal American With Disability Act, as well as the HIPA regulations and many state regulations prohibit asking citizens of the medical status, questions arise if non-vaccinated can be prevented from not wearing a mask. One might even question the legality of "Covid Passports" since asking to see such a passport would be considered a violation of the existing Federal laws.

May 17, 2021 It is estimated that less then 1% of Chinese in China have taken the experimental Covid vaccination.

May 14, 2021. As of May 14, 2021, the US Government sponsored reporting agency VAERS has received reports of 4,201 deaths, 12,625 hospitalizations, 29,707 urgent care visits, and over 40,000 other doctors office visits after receiving the Covid-19 experimental vaccination. Though all of the events happened soon after receiving the vaccination, the vaccination has not been officially determined to be the cause. There are many stories floating around that claim vastly higher vaccination deaths and injuries, but it is impossible to determine what is accurate and what is not.

May 14, 2021 Washington DC Dr. Fauci, answering Senator Burrs question before a congressional hearing, has stated that about 50% of the CDC employees have taken a Covid 19 vaccination, while apparently 50% have not. Peter Marks, from the FDA, stated also that about 50% of the FDA employees have taken the vaccine and about 50% has not.

May 14, 2021 President Biden plans to add 100,000 contact tracers.

May 14, 2021 President Biden stated that the recommended rule is simple: "get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do".

May 14, 2021 President Biden has expressed a desire to build a Public Health Jobs Corp of 100,000 people to support contact tracing of the Covid virus.

May 14, 2021 It has come out that 50% of the CDC employees are refusing to get the Covid Vaccination.

May 14, 2021 France has seen a surge of Covid cases amount those who have taken the vaccination.

May 13, 2021 Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Health Ambassador and former actor and comedian Vivekh received a Covid-19 vaccine on live TV to show how safe the vaccine is. Unfortunately two days latter, Vivekh died from cardiac arrest. He had been administered the Indian vaccine of Covaxin

May 12, 2021 The CDC has changed their mask recommendations after determining that the survival rate of people who have Covid-19 is just below 100%. According to the CDC, the survival rate for those who contract Covid, between the age of 0 to 50 years old is 99.98%. Between 50 and 69 years old, the survival rate is 99.5%, while those 70 years old and older, the survival rate is 94.6%. The CDC no longer recommends mask wearing outside.

May 11, 2021 Washington DC 124 former United States generals and admirals signed a letter declaring that the United States was in grave danger. The letter seemed to claim that the election was stolen, that the country was turning socialist and that the Covid-19 pandemic has been exaggerated. This represents about 20% of the total number of flag officers, had they still been on duty.

Vacine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has reported that there have been 4057 deaths, 11,572 hospitalizations, 25,603 urgent care, 32,803 doctors office visits and 1,112 cases of Bells Palsy, 1,666 cases of shingles, after receiving a Covid-19 vaccination. These figures, which happened within days of receiving the Covid-19 vaccination, has not officially been attributed to the vaccination.

An excellent selection of photographs and commentary, primarily from New York City:

Main Page and index to more recent months

July August 2021 Defeat in Afghanistan, NYC Vax passport, new rules to prevent unvaccinated from entering restuarants, social events
June 2021 New York Opens up for summer and about the Tokyo Olympics
Late May 2021 NYC is coming back to life.
Early May 2021 Covid hysteria is dying down and people are beginning to live life
April 2021 NYC and the World
March 2021 Life in NYC getting back to a new normal
February 2021 Snow, cold, people getting used to the socalled "New Normal". Relative calm in NYC
January 2021 Protests around the United States including in Washington DC, NYC Snow storms, eating outside in the cold in NYC
Christmas Time 2020 Christmas time 2020, election results between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Protests and more
Summer and Fall 2020 Happenings around New York City in relative calm
May and June 2020 Massive protests, looting and rioting by the groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Also shows the after effects of a boarded up city.
March and April 2020 An empty, silent New York City from March and April, 2020
Earlier months and years
Photographic Index from around the world

Early New York City Building Photographs from 1995 to 2005 (Pre Street view)


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VIDEO FOOTAGE A limited amount of modern and historic video footage is available for tv programs.

NYC Building PhotoIndex Index Photographs of buildings, one after another This incredible archive contains almost 100,000 photographs of buildings in Manhattan
World Trade Center
DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge
Rockefeller Center
Frank Didik's photographs have appeared in advertisements, publications and in the media, world-wide.

City Scapes
NYC at nightpt0079.JPG
NYC Bridges

City Hall Area
Alternate Energy
Police supervised events
NYC Skylinept0092.JPG
Washington Square Park
Formal Eventspt0087.JPG

Product photography jewelry cosmetics

Meat Market
Times Square Area night, summer, winterpt0071.JPG
Central Park
Various Political Demonstrations
NYC in the Winterpt0091.JPG
Stock video film footage

Celebrities in 3D Stereo!
 World Trade Center Horror

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An excellent selection of photographs and commentary from 2020, primarily from New York City:

Main Page and index to more recent months
April 2021 NYC and the World
March 2021 Life in NYC getting back to a new normal
February 2021 Snow, cold, people getting used to the socalled "New Normal". Relative calm in NYC
January 2021 Protests around the United States including in Washington DC, NYC Snow storms, eating outside in the cold in NYC
Christmas Time 2020 Christmas time 2020, election results between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Protests and more
Summer and Fall 2020 Happenings around New York City in relative calm
May and June 2020 Massive protests, looting and rioting by the groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Also shows the after effects of a boarded up city.
March and April 2020 An empty, silent New York City from March and April, 2020
Earlier months and years
Photographic Index from around the world
Early New York City Building Photographs from 1995 to 2005 (Pre Street view)

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Copyright© 1977 - 2021 by Frank X. Didik, All Rights Reserved


Frank X. Didik with NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio and first lady Chirlane McCray, at Gracy Mansion. endorses Mr. Eric Adams as the next mayor for the City of New York. Mr. Adams has served New York City in many capacities including being a police officer, a state senator and presently the Brooklyn Borough President. I can testify that Mr. Adams has gone out of his way to serve the people of New York. For example, he made is a point to personally come and attend relatively small, downtown Brooklyn community meetings. He was so modest, that many people did not realize that he was the Brooklyn Borough President. We are confident that Mr. Adams will be the mayor for all the people in New York City and will bring back law and order, encourage business activity and continue to make New York City the envy of the world. We endorse Mr. Eric Adams as the next Mayor for the City of New York.

Covid/Corona Virus
News and opinions on the Corona Virus and it's effect on society and the economy has moved to the following page: Click Here


A $40 per hour minimum wage? ...Frank X. Didik, September 22, 2021
 In 1962, the average 35 year old working man was able to support a wife, 3 or 4 children, own a house in the suburbs, have 2 cars and had enough money to go on a vacation once or twice a year. Today, it takes two highly educated people working to buy a small one or two bedroom coop or condo, car ownership is rare and they can only afford to have one or two children at best. To achieve what a man in 1962 made per week and to regain the standard of living of that time, the minimum wage must be increased to $40 per hour. The gradual decline over the past 60 years should be changed. Perhaps "shock treatment" that was recommended to the former communist countries in Eastern Europe by "experts" from leading American Universities, should be the guide for this sudden increase in the average (minimum) wage. Several things would happen. First, people would initially spend much more money and this would almost instantly create huge demand. At the same time, it is very possible that prices would go up, though perhaps not as fast as one might expect, since production efficiency is much greater today than in 1962. Finally, it might be necessary to implement trade barriers. This of course would run counter to the direction of globalism. Perhaps it is time to modify the notion of globalism and take into account the different global cultures, work ethics and achievements.

Inflation. Apparently, inflation is back, though not as severe as in 1980-1982. Items such as housing purchases, used automobiles, fuel and food has increased by a fairly high amount, with some estimating this to be about 15% over the past four months.

From the right, Frank Didik, Dr. Eric Bitterman, Chairman of Deutche Welle, Dr. Jachem Reppmann, and publisher Walter at the Von Steuben formal event in New York City. Though Frank Didik does not have any German background, he enjoys the inginuety and drive of the German people.

Massive inflation coming? Frank X. Didik, January 2, 2020. At the start of 2020, it is estimated that the United States national debt was 21 Trillion dollars. As of January 2, 2021, as a result of the vast "printing" of additional money for Covid Relief and other expenses, this debt is estimated at just under 30 trillion dollars. Surely, one would think that a 30% increase in money supply would lead to significant inflation, but this has not happened. I believe that this is primarily because of vast production surpluses, on every level including manufacturing, services and farming. Robotics, efficient computerized allocation of resources and transportation has produced enough for everyone, without pressure on the market.

DO NOT DEFUND THE POLICE With skyrocketing crime, it is clear that NYC must have an effective and well funded NYPD otherwise we will be like the wild west.

Remote working, office space, the diminished need for employees Frank X. Didik, January 1, 2020 It is fascinating to note that as a result of the government imposed Covid-19 restrictions, that for a period of time, an estimated 30% of the population was out of work, and yet the country did not experience any long term shortages, in any area. One might say that this is a wake-up call for companies to show them that they have too many redundant employees. read more

NYC heat wave
NYPD Chief of Department attacked
Thousands of New Yorkers are leaving
A new job apprenticeships website
New Federal hiring guidelines
NYPD shows extreme professionalism and restraint Read more
NYC under curfew read more
Stores looted May 31, 2020 read more
Protests erupt in NYC read more
Congress proposesTRACE Act read more
History of Corona Virus read more
Gasoline & fuel prices plumet read more

Covid-19 April 2020 news. read more
Corona Shut-down read more
Congress aproves of2 trillion read more
Protestors object to shutdown read more
Photographs of empty New York Citymore
Federal reserve on Covid-19 read more

Prior News


"Northern Eastern Circle"
A fact finding 1,500 mile road trip through rural north eastern USA. Click here for details.

"Southern Circle"
A fact finding 3,000 mile road trip through the deep south. Click here for details.

Olympic Note: We decided not to cover the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics because of the severe restrictions and a possible 14 day hotel quarantine.

Defund? Some anti-police groups have called for the defunding of the police around the country. Question: late at night, if you are traveling in an empty subway car and two police officers come on, do you feel threatened or are you relieved and hope that they stay on for the duration of your trip? The answer is obvious. The police are essential to maintaining order in any society.

Corona Paycheck program read more
Remote salary protection read more
Internet censorship read more
People should be responsible for themselves and carry their own weight in society read more

Subway Safety-Subway Gate Every year hundreds of people are killed or severely injured when they fall onto the tracks of trains and subways. The prevention is cost efficient and greatly reduces liability ... read more ...

Greatly reduce train noise A significant amount of train noise is caused by the train wheels rolling over the expansion joint of the tracks. This vibration creates noise, vibrations, an less pleasant ride and also reduces the life cycle of the train. The solution is relatively simple and cost more ...

Liberal Governments verses Conservative Governments read more

Career first and family later? read more


Frank X. Didik aboard "The Futurist", anchored in a New York Harbor.

Thoughts on science, business and society today
By Frank X. Didik - editor.

What if and what can or might be.

The 1956 Firebird was to be self driving.
Self Driving Cars? If you have an accident with a self driving car, who is at fault? The car manufacturer, the owner of the car or the occupant "driver" of the car? I have enjoyed owning and driving some of the most interesting cars made and have always enjoyed the freedom of driving without impediments or restrictions. Nevertheless, if self driving cars can help reduce accidents and enhance society, I am for them. Besides the technical aspects, there are many other issues that must be worked out. My concerns regarding self driving cars including liability, safety, morality and effectiveness. more ...


Bicycles? What ever happened to jet packs, flying cars and advanced technology that in the past, was predicted that we would be using by today? Why are bicycles being pushed by cities world wide? more ...

Question: If people who are protesting are paid to protest, is it really a protest?

Question: If a humanitarian organization is paid for their services, are they really a humanitarian organization?

Question: If a charity receives most or all of its money from the government, is it really a charity considering that the tax payer is paying for their services?

Cell Phone Etiquette
Advice for the modern person - December 9, 2016 read more

Time to Rethink Bike Lanes
Advice for bicyle based cities
 - August 3, 2016 read more

On Education
Rethinking school and our education system

Should everyone attend college or university? ... read more ...

Can a college or a university really teach a person to be a businessman or an artist or good in any particular field? ... read more ...

How come all college undergraduate degree's require four years? Should some degrees require only one year while others perhaps six years? ... read more ...

What courses should and should not be taught at college or university? Can college or a university teach a person how to be a good business person, or how to be creative? ... read more ...

Reason, Logic and intellect is not reliable. The late Christopher Hitchens often stated that we should rely on our logic, reason and intellect to determine the truth. Many people who pride themselves as educated, intelligent and progressive believe the same. As reasonable as this seems, Galileo proved over 400 years ago that our logic, reason and intellect is unreliable and that only direct experimental data, should be relied upon. Galileo had dropped two balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would hit the ground at the same time, rather than the heavier ball hitting the ground first, as almost everyone, including Aristotle, 2000 years ago, had assumed. Our logic, reason and intellect is not reliable and should only be viewed as speculation. Only direct experimentation and obtaining the same results, over and over again should be relied upon.


What about? ..

Old Computer Formats and the longevity of our digitally stored knowledge. Are we entering into a "pre-history" era? How can we preserve our computer written records, books, photographs, video and knowledge? We must have an international agreement and an organization, perhaps under auspices of the United Nations, dedicated to preserving our global digital records so that future generations can access the information and knowledge that we store on computer readable formats.

If you wanted to, would you be able to read a:

    3 1/2" or 5 1/4" or 8" floppy?
    cd-rom or a dvd?
    12" optical disk?
    9 track tape?
    IBM punch card?
    Paper punch tape?

If you can not read these one or two generation old formats today, how will society be able to read these documents in 200 years from now? In a few years, our latest computer formats and storage devices, such as USB drives, will also be obsolete. I have deep concerns about the longevity of our knowledge and of computer records, more ...

What if the decay rate of elements varies rather than being a constant? Imagine, if this is the case, it would mean that all archeological dating is in question. How old are artifacts? When in fact did the dinosaurs really die out? Further, consider that ... read more ...

What is the speed of gravity? If it is instantaneous, then what if gravity can be modulated? Today most scientists, assume that the speed of gravity is the same as the speed of light, but what if the speed of gravity is instantaneous? Further, if gravity can be modulated, it might allow for instantaneous universal communication. Thus it might be possible to communicate with space craft instantly, rather than waiting for minutes for transmissions to reach the craft or earth. Perhaps computer chips can be made to operate vastly faster. And this is just the beginning since more ...

On Business

Investing in Startups. Good idea or bad? Is investing in a Startup, that has never proven itself in the market place, a good idea or a waste of money (and talent)? Historically, investors invested in companies that were swamped with orders and making money, but needed additional money to ... read more ...

Most efficient brain-storming method and how to make morning office meetings more productive and interesting ... read more ...

Superior advertising results

Producing the very best and most effective TV commercials The single purpose of a television commercial is to sell the product or service. The fact that an advertisement might be interesting, funny, informative or well produced is secondary to the main purpose, which is to sell the product or service. One should never leave the creation of the television commercial to the television producer or the video editor. ... read more ...

Building the most effective business websites Never let a "web designer" develop the website for you. A web designer should be produce the website under the supervision of an on line marketing master, usually working with ... read more ...


There is an alternative to population control. Restricting and discouraging the formation of families in order to stabilize or reduce population infringes on the freedom and rights of every human. There is another much better more ...

Questioning the results of modern science. For the last 100 years, we have been experiencing the collapse of real science. Theories, speculation and fantasy is the norm today. By definition, the scientific method is the ability to test and re-test and always get the same results, over and over. If an idea or a theory can not be tested, the idea must be viewed as speculation and not considered true, till that idea is proven without a doubt. Scientific theory has moved to areas that are beyond our present capability of testing and gradually a number of unproven theories have become accepted as fact without any real proof. Further, new theories have been developed based on old theories. Thus we have a situation where science today is largely based on theory upon theory. If something can not be proven, it falls into the realm of philosophy rather than science. This has led more ...

What if time varies along with all things, rather than being a constant? Consider more ...

Can the speed of light vary, even if traveling under the same conditions, or in other words, is the speed of light really a constant? According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is a constant but more ...

Science and media hype: Any sudden "revolutionary" scientific discovery, even if such discovery is written about in every newspaper and scientific journal, should be greeted with skepticism. Such a discovery should only be accepted after the bulk of scientists have have had a chance to review the discovery and confirm that it is in fact correct. Such things that come to mind include cold fusion, the so called "God Particle" and even the recent stated discovery of a "gravitational wave". All too often such media hype has come and gone without any real discovery or fundamental change. more ...

What percentage of information, contained in science books is accurate and true? Are we in a post science period? Many science books today present more ...

It is time to retest scientific properties. Verify results. I suggest that the properties of all materials be re-tested using modern technology and certify the results. Melting and boiling points, conductivity, hardness, and all physical properties of materials should be re-tested more ...

Honesty and integrity in scientific research is essential in order to advance our knowledge base. When a scientist has worked for years to prove a particular theory and finds out that their work hasbeen in vain, it is difficult to admit that their original assumptions were wrong. Still it is vitally important more ...
(New York City, USA)
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